Keeping Holy Trinity’s doors open does cost money, and donations of all sizes are always welcome.

If you are a taxpayer and would sign a Gift Aid scheme, we benefit further from your donations by being able to reclaim the tax paid on them.

If you are in a position to commit to regular giving, please consider joining the Parish Giving Scheme. This is an arrangement sponsored centrally by the Church of England and recently adopted by Holy Trinity. It involves your donations being made by Direct Debit on a regular basis. ( You are of course free to increase, decrease, or cancel your donations at any time. )

Hopefully this arrangement simplifies giving for yourself, but also greatly simplifies the work of our Treasurer since the donations received and any tax reclaimed are all processed centrally and passed to Holy Trinity in a single payment. It also helps us to plan our spending since it gives us a better idea what income to expect.

There is more detail about the Parish Giving Scheme and how to join it here

2017. 04. 16 - Easter Flowers (3) - By Jenny Mills.jpg