The Church of England is a broad church and there are many expressions of faith to be found across its many churches. Here at Holy Trinity, we are committed to the catholic faith as the Church of England received it; an unbroken tradition from the time of the Apostles.

Anglo-Catholicism in the church was revived by the Oxford Movement in the 19th century and puts emphasis on the sacraments and the Church of England as part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Because of that we believe it is vital not to distance ourselves from our fellow Christians in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches with whom we share so much. Amidst all the changing winds of recent times we hold fast to the faith of our fathers.

Our faith is the faith of the universal church, and we hold to “that which has been believed everywhere, always and by all” (The Vincentian Canon of St Vincent of Lerins). We do of course, though, share in the particular traditions of the Church of England – in worship and liturgy, and of course in having a presence in every community. And at the same time, we are fully involved in the catholic life of the church: we have an annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham and our Parish Priest is a Priest Associate at the shrine.